Friday, December 5, 2008

Friends From The Past

A number of years ago friends from church when we were twelve years old "found" each other again and we have been going out for breakfast once a year every since. The last time together we celebrated the recent sky dive of the bravest of us all. It was fun to be together right before we left for India. It worked out too to have lunch in Laguna with friends from high school, a special send off with ladies who do scrapbooks together, dinner with our friends who only like to speak Spanish, dinner with old and new friends in San Clemente, Italian dinner with the OC family also in San Clemente, and an elegant dinner with daughter and friends in San Diego. One of us was seven pounds heavier when we left town. It's good the airlines only weigh your bags!
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1 comment:

Jenny said...

What a beautiful group!