One time the philosopher, Bertram Russell was giving a lecture in his expertise and talked about our world and the planets and gravity and spin and how it all stayed together and the importance to us that it did. A woman perhaps of age but not wisdom stood in the audience and said that what he said was ridiculous. Maybe she even called the whole idea, "baloney."
Bertram asked back, Then what is the answer, madame?" "The world is sitting on top of a giant turtle," she answered. Trying not to snicker and sneer, Bertram inquired as to what the turtle sat on. At which point the woman answered that it was another turtle. "It's turtles all the way down," she claimed. See why turtles must not be extinct? We need them to hold up the world.
If you draw an imaginary line and call one side "existence" then what do you call the other side of the line.? Nothing? There are many great thinkers that have decided that nothing can not exist. It is the split second before something is something that is the problem. Some people think that the world and all that is on it is just like a spot on a giant staircase. A staircase that has NO first stair and also it has NO last stair. HMMMMMMMM!
Great post Mom! The kids liked it too! It was so nice to talk to you!
Joan, Thank you for this fabulous post. This post calls for some deep thought and turtles have belly buttons - who knew? I am so grateful to you for keeping this blog and for the chance to be your companion on our mission adn for eternity. Love, Bob
I love the turtle pics. I remember doing a paper on Bertrand Russel in 9th grade...but I had never heard that story before.
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