The dinner last year was wonderful but three days before it the family had to abandon their home because everything they touched gave them a shock. (I get a shock every time I use my computer. That's India.) The electricians repaired and the family came back and started to fix the Thanksgiving dinner. The turkey arrived from Bangalore but, it had all the feathers and the head. A new employee at her husbands office was not fully assigned as he had just arrived from the US. He left the office and came to our hostesses rescue. Without being too graphic he "shaped up" the turkey quickly.
This year the turkey came from Thailand and was elegant and traditional.
A local restaurant that does American food will do a Thanksgiving buffet. We have invited the senior missionaries from the humanitarian mission as our guests. We are in the same city but do not see each other often. This little extra dinner will be fun. There will be no turkey, only chicken but they will have cranberry sauce. Interesting what you miss when you are far from home.
Joan, Just wanting to say how thankful I am for you and for this opportunity to serve a mission with you. What a blessing! If what they say, "home is where the heart is" then my home is Chennai since you are here. I love you so much, Bob
What a sweet comment Dad! Thank you for loving each
other so much!
Glad you are getting your thanksgiving fixin's.
That is a funny thought-wonder what I would miss if I knew I couldn't just grab it at Kroger?
Yeah, I am excited about this Thanksgiving--so much to be thankful for. Including having wonderful in-laws who are engaged such a wonderful service.
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