The owner of the building built our baptismal font. He knew the story of the very tall Indian man who almost knocked over the smaller missionary during the service because our old font was a cramped space. The owner made this one longer to avoid any accidents. He also said it had to be high for proper drainage. Sooooooooooooooooo

We have the longest and...

Tallest font in all of Indian and maybe the world. It was only a week late getting finished and we only had to race over to the old building to the old font just one Sunday. We are still missing the guard rail by these steps but we hold our hands up to protect our new people safely down and over to the dressing rooms.

There is a little office for the owner just behind us and after it is completed the whole roof top will be tiled. For now we just watch out for the little piles of sand and...

We don't mind at all. We have the best view in the city of Chennai.
Wow, how neat to get baptized on a rooftop and to witness it.
LOVE your baptismal font...what a wonderful view...!
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